Port Town Grand Legion - Requests
Watery Obstacle
Defend My Shop from Goblins
- Exterminate the goblins attacking the shop in Trading Waterway -Entrance-
Water God Statue Restoration Materials
- Head to 2nd District -Black Market- and defeat the 6 bands of fragment thieves
If you want to be able to defeat all 6 bands you have to unlock the power to turn off the statues by progressing the story into the drowning section of Flooded Town wheel warp.
Flooded Town
Lizardman Raid
- Head to 3rd District -Iron Gate Street- and defeat the Sahagin/Lizardmen assault
Mackerel Sandwich Delivery
- Go back to the Port Town and speak with Tessa the Baker
- Head back into x for a scene with the harassers and teach them a lesson
- Head back to the 4th District -Boulevard- and give Melgina the sandwich
Rustproof Knife Delivery
- Go to Randolf (blacksmith) in the Royal Capital Luknalia
- Complete Titanium Ore Delivery Request
Titanium Ore Delivery
- Go to the goblin nest on B3 of Beginning Abyss and collect 3 Titanium ore
- Turn the ore into Randolf
Viscount Guane
After returning from the Flooded Town you will be approached by a representative of the faction you have chosen. If you already cleared each route, or want to redo the ending to the Viscounty Guane mission then you will have to curse wheel to before Flooded Town and then curse wheel to Flooded Town and immediately return to town. If you want to change faction you have to curse wheel to Search Request.
Aegon -> Princess Route
Egolion -> Pope Route
Goetia -> Admiral Route
Go to the Royal Capital's Adventurers Guild to attend the mission.
"I'll go now." -> Cutscene (Choices in this Cutscene don't affect the ending)
Head to Viscount Guane's lands from the World Map
You will encounter guards wanting a toll.
You can either:
a. Pay up (3000 gold)
b. Force Your Way Through (Easy Fight)
c. Turn back (You Leave the Quest Area)
- However you get additional options when turning back. If you have a mage in your party you can select "Let's just bulldoze our way through"
This will cause the mage in your party to cause a distraction so you can bypass the encounter without paying and there is no mana cost. If you don't have a mage, you just enter the same route as "Force your way through"
Now talk to all the NPCs.
Princess Route
"I don't think so"
< Block the sword > (Easy battle)
"The commoner was not resisting"
"What Guane is doing is wrong"
Pontiff Route
< Put your hand on Tenet's shoulder >
"This warrants further investigation"
< Do not accept payment>
Admiral Route
< Block the sword > (Easy battle)
Catch the beastmen trafficking (it will be rejected)
Make Sagini a product
Catch the beastmen trafficking (it will be rejected)
Make Garo a product
Catch the beastmen trafficking (they will relent and accept)
- If you have beastfolk in your party they will join in
Win the battle that comes after the cutscene.
Sunken City Arrival
Fisherman Rescue
- Go to 4th District -Boulevard- and meet the fisherman at the location marked by green
- Go to the other marked location and begin a turn limited battle against enemies to save his friends
One-Eyed Sahuagin
Retake Stolen Belongings from Robbers
- Go to 5th District -Sunken City- and defeat the waves of ruffians
Obtaining Titanium Ore
- Go to B3 of Beginning Abyss and head to the Goblin Nest (Refer to Titanium Ore Delivery Request under Flooded Town Requests for location)
- Not sure if needed but after checking all the locations for the ore that were marked in Titanium Delivery Request it started a dialogue to look for the Ore guy that was seen blocking the way earlier
- After finding his body, fight the ambushing goblins off
- Return that ore to Gessi
Colossal Galleon
Unnamed Request
We do not know if this request has any relevance at this time.
- This didn’t have a formal request show up in the request list.
- An npc will mention that she lost her coral bracelet and if you go underneath the dock into the bridge.
- There will be a sahagin cheering about a coral bracelet.
- Defeat him and return it to her.
Pirate’s Cutlass Delivery
- Go to the item shop in Royal Capital Luknalia and talk to Walter to buy the Cutlass
- Turn it in to Clyde
All Aboard
Delivering Chamomile for the Dead
- Defeat Bonnie and Clyde after defeating them each once per cursed wheel return.
- Warp to Grand Galleon (or anytime between that and before Round 2) and talk to Bonnie and Clyde.
- Select the options: "You can start over now" → "You can run outside now".
- You will now receive a request from the Adventurer's Guild in the Royal Capital after heading there.
- After accepting the request go speak to Dana, the innkeeper
- Go to Port Town Grand Legion and speak with Hille
- Go to the world map and head to Rain Shelter Cave
- Beat the boss and take the exit in front of you
Two-Headed Serpents
- Go to x and speak to the thief
- Find his two friends
- Find the Mermaid’s Secret
Friend Locations: 1st District -Back Alley-
The NPC icon was in the circle but the body was bugged where the arrow points
The friends may be in different locations. Look for person silhouettes on the maps and check them.
Servant and Cargo Recovery
- Go to 6th District -Warehouse District- and speak to the maid.(She’s green marked)
- Defeat the enemies attacking the maids. (Turn limited)
- You end up having to choose between saying the maids died or turning them into the merchant.
Repel Enemy Forces
- Go to 7th District -Pier-
- Defeat waves of Warped Ones
Rickert’s Shop
Oar Collector Extermination
- Go to Lower Deck 1 -Ship’s Hold-
- Defeat the Oar Collectors
Scorpion Woman Legs and Herb Procurement
- Go to Beginning Abyss B3
Alternate Herb Locations
It is possible that there are other locations than the above two specified, so if neither of those maps work for you, you can check the bottom-right side or just explore everywhere!
Giant Insect Procurement
- Head to Den of Earth and fight some Desert Flies
Minotaur Spare Rib Procurement
- Go to Lower Deck 2 -Lounge-
- Slay some minotaurs and collect 1 Minotaur Head and 4 Minotaur Spare Leg
Not sure if this will be the case for everyone but the south mark gave me Minotaur head every battle and the north mark gave me Spare Leg every battle, I reset encounters by going back to town and went back in to respawn them and such was the case until I turned in the quest. The mobs move as well so marks an approximation and not exact location.
Hydra Plant Procurement
- Head to Valeon Grasslands on the world map
Defeat 4 Hydra Plants around the area
There is no map in this area so be careful walking around
Obtaining KnightQuil
The easiest time to complete this is after Arena Round 1 and before Arena Round 2
- Speak to Butch on Upper Deck -Arena- to see he wants Knightquil then talk to Rickert
- Go to the tavern in the Royal Capital Luknalia to collect the KnightQuil
- Head to Edge of Town to see that monsters are attacking and blocking the harken so take the Back Alley
- The nearest Harken is broken so repair that and travel back to Rickert
- Give Knightquil to Butch
- Fight Bonney/Clyde
- Talk to goblin to find out about your next opponent. A scene should trigger where your missing person wins
- Talk to your missing person after the fight and he'll mention he's withdrawing from arena
Arena Round 1
Eradicate Warped Ones Belowdecks
- Defeat 5 warped one enemies in the ship.
Note: There is no specific area on the map, just defeat overworld enemies.
Purple Garlic Delivery
- Go to the Tavern and speak with Migrant Man to learn location of Purple Garlic
- Head to the Valeon Grasslands on the world map
- Speak with the Peddler, he isn’t too far from the entrance
- Get his goods back from the thieves that escaped to the north
Thief Appearance
There is no map in the grasslands but this is what the thieves look like on the overworld.
Exterminate Farm Monsters
- Defeat the warped ones
Arena Round 3
Pickerel’s Report
- Go to Adventurer’s guild in the Royal City Capital.
- Complete Temple Food Assistance Request.
- Speak to Pickerel at Upper Deck -Arena-.
Temple Food Assistance
- Go to Beginning Abyss B4 and gather 5 Vorpal Bunny Meat from Vorpal Bunny enemies
If you still have an incomplete Relentless Massacre Rabbit quest, you can repeatedly interact with the same body and fight the rabbit until you collect all the mats without needing to look for them.
- Go to Valeon Grasslands and gather 1 Wild Carrot, they grow near white flowers.
White Flowers
You need to walk around this patch until you get 3 dialog prompts. If get frozen in dialog, toggling the "Auto" switch will unlock you.
- Turn in the materials at the Temple in Port Town Grand Legion. You can then complete the request back at the Royal Capital, then head back to Pickerel on the ship.
Monster Bird Soup
This request is exclusive to the Pontiff route
This request leads to a boss that is arguably harder than the true greater warped one of this abyss.
Read if you have trouble with Pickerel spawning
The easiest way to get him to spawn seems to be to do the following: - Wheel to the Admiral route and make sure you have killed Melgina or Octo - Wheel to Arena 3 of the Pontiff route - Find Pickerel at the marked location
- Complete all three important request routes (Princess, Pontiff, and Admiral)
- Wheel back to Round 3 Pontiff and talk to the goblin so you can see that you're fighting Pickerel.
- Go to x and find him at the location in the image to overhear him talking to the head chef
- Speak with the head chef and he’ll tell you where to pick up the ingredients to make the soup
- Head to Valeon Grasslands and you’ll see a slave that runs away, just run a bit forward and you’ll see him on a hill then talk to him
- Follow the slaves instructions to get to the poison swamps
- Fight the bird and kill it
- Use your right hand to restore the bird nest then head to the eggs left of the nest to restore them and head out by using the cart
Prevent Vernant from Entering the Arena
- Face Vernant twice, once where he has his herbs and once where you've swapped them out
- Complete the Monster Bird Soup request
- Wheel back and complete Pickerel's Report again
- Once you report back to Pickerel, you will have a new dialog option to trick Vernant and lock him away
- (Optional) Find the first merchant in the 2nd District (room immediately north of the mermaid statue you see when you enter). You will have to disable the current to get there
- Find the second merchant at the Pier
- Find the pale elf at the Pier
- Pay him for the Ipiamarum or kill him for it. It makes no difference
- Take the Ipiamarum back to Pickerel
- Go to the mysterious door that seemed to have absolutely no purpose prior to now
- Wait and see has no negative implications here, but you need to lock the door to proceed
- I wonder if Pickerel is a ninja...
Arena Round 5
Murder Investigation
- Go speak to Head Cook at Lower Deck 2 -Lounge-
- Collect the Holly
- Expose Marin as the warped one and defeat her.
- Marin can at any location with an NPC icon on the minimap. If you talk to people, they will point you to where she went.
Gathering Sahuagin Scales
- Talk to the chef, not the head chef, in the dining hall about Comadora Peppers.
- Go to the Royal Capital to receive the request.
- Defeat any Sahuagin in Port Town Grand Legion Abyss to collect scales.
Return to the Capital
Arena Tourney Hosted by Avare!
- Go to Upper Deck -Arena- where the goblin that started the arena fights was and there should be a new NPC there now.
- Complete the fights