The Beginning Abyss - Greater Warped One
Saving the King And Not Losing Your Head
Fresh Start
- Complete the Sweet Walnut Delivery Request before getting to the first minor harken so you can send Elmon away.
- Complete the Light Shield Material Collection Request so you can give the shields to the Defenders
- Complete the Fragrant Plant Seed quest for the dialogue with Albano later
- Go to the item shop and complete the Scrap Sabaton quest to give Sabatons to Vernant
- Go to the blacksmith and start the Rhodium Delivery quest
Minor Harken Unlocked
- Send in the Defenders to check the Warped One’s body after defeating the Warped One boss in B1
- Choose the negotiate option to learn about Albano and the sachet
Warped One Vanquished
- Give the Defenders the shields when given the option.
- Select party formation.
Despicable Trap
- Choose the dialogue “They’re already dead” when checking on the rooted knights
- Choose the dialogue “Leave it to Elmon” when checking on the second rooted knights
Survivors Found
- Complete Abyssal Steel Delivery Request
- Go back to the dungeon and choose “Keep trying to talk to Albano” when trying to get him to leave dungeon
- Complete the Fluorescent Flower Delivery Request
Second Major Harken
- Complete the Rhodium Delivery Request
- When approaching Helmut on B8, choose the dialogue option to stop the debris
Labyrinth Cleared
- Complete the Cazula Root Delivery quest so you can give it to Vernant to use on the Craftsmen before the Helmut fight
Greater Warped One
Battle Tips
- Weak to wind, so
from mages (can be inherited from Jarmil
) and the Sword of the Breeze will be very helpful
- Give the
Digging Mattock
to a front-liner that is not the MC so they can help clear the debris piles he creates
can increase your front line's evasion and Defense Power respectively, lowering the incoming damage
can be used to increase one adventurer's action speed while BATILGREF
can reduce his Evasion and Action Speed
can reduce his Attack Power and Accuracy respectively, lowering the incoming damage
can decrease his Defense Power, increasing the non-spell damage your party deals
- Mages should keep
Mental Unity
up so they can quickly clear any adds he spawns with a line spell
Right Arm of Reversal Usage
- Use it on one (or more in subsequent turns) of the debris piles he creates to clear them so your front line can hit him again.