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Blacksmithing Basics

Blacksmithing offers several methods for improving your weapons, armor and accessories, and is essential for strengthening your party.

Image of an item highlighting innate attributes and Blessings


  • Increases Enchantment Value up to a maximum of +20.
  • Increases Innate Attributes
  • At Enchantment Value +5, +10, +15 and +20, unlocks a new Blessing or improves an existing Blessing if one already exists in that slot.

Requires Gold and Iron Ore.


Refining an item increases the value of a substat and requires a Refinement Stone for that attribute.

Refinement bonuses are lost if used before enhancing to +5, +10, +15, or +20.

For example, you can safely (without losing the refinement): - Refine substat 1 after upgrading an item to +5. - Refine substat 1 or 2 after upgrading an item to +10. - Refine substat 1, 2 or 3 after upgrading an item to +15. - Refine any substat after upgrading an item to +20.

Requires a matching Refinement Stone of the Blessing to improve.

Blacksmithing becomes available early in the game after your party enters the first major city, Royal Capital Luknalia.


Extracting destroys an item, with a small chance of producing an Alteration Stone or Refinement Stone that can be used to modify or increase substats on items.

The type of stone produced will be randomly selected from one of the substats on the item under extraction.

Only weapons, armor and accessories can be extracted.


Altering an item modifies a substat, and requires an Alteration Stone.

Alteration has some nuanced behavior to it.

  • Altering a slot after it reached its checkpoint will remove both the initial Blessing and any enhancements and refinements, leaving the slot with just the value provided by the Alteration Stone.

Enhancement Inheritance

Enhancement Inheritance sacrifices an existing enchanted item to increase the enchantment value of another item.

This helps save gold when changing to higher quality equipment when you have already enchanted your existing equipment.


Advanced Blacksmithing

Advanced Extraction

The star quality of an item being extracted determines the magnitude of the stones produced.

Extracting higher quality items results in larger boni granted by the stones.

Tip: Altering a high quality item with a low-grade Stone and then extracting the resulting item will result in a higher quality Stone, as the game only considers item quality and type of available substats when generating a Stone, not the magnitude of the substats.

Full Alteration

A Full Alteration Stone allows you to reroll all unlocked substats on an item.

It is a very rare outcome from Extraction.
