Wizardry Variants Daphne Community Guide
This is a collaborative guide maintained by the Wizardry Variants Daphne Discord Server community.
We welcome contributions and corrections by the community so please don’t hesitate to add suggestions to the #guide-contributions Discord channel or contribute on GitHub.
For new players, start with the Introduction Guide or FAQ.
Warning: This guide contains spoilers!
About the Guide
Our guide has consolidated information about Wizard Variants Daphne, including: - Abyss Walkthroughs and Maps - Greater Warped Ones - Requests - Adventurers - Bondmates - Mechanics, and more!
We Will
- Provide the key information and guides that will allow you to complete game content.
- Strive to update the guide with new content as quickly as we can.
We Will Not
- Provide exhaustive hand-holding through all content.
- Warn you of all traps or hidden dangers.
- Tolerate any abuse or trolling of maintainers, contributors or community members.
Navigating the Guide
Find what you're looking for using the Sidebar on the left or using Search on the top-right.
- Baldcat
- Gagging
- TheAxolotl
Do you want to contribute?
We welcome community contributions!
If you'd like to add to our guide, please read Environment Setup to get started.
You can also check out our Style Guide to add stylistic flair to your contributions!
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