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Collect on a Broken Pact

Request Requirements

  • Gerulf must be on the party
  • Certain Trust Level must be achieved with Gerulf

Once the requirements are met, the request will be available at the Adventurer's Guild at the Royal Capital Lukmalia.


This request can only be finished once. If you missed something, you won't be able to go back for it. So don't rush it!

Request Mission

Request is a dive into Gerulf's backstory, consisting of a single explorable dungeon level and a boss room level. Mission is to collect special type of Ore pieces and then beat the boss.

Encounter rate is below average, mobs are mostly unavoidable but manageable and consist entirely of fire type enemies. Dungeon is overall a comfortable one with focus on exploration; mobs also don't seem to respawn.

Bossfight at the end is on the tougher side, but straightforward with no gimmicks or special requirements.


  • All enemies are fire element and weak to water
  • Can find at least 5 hard and light ore and 5 heavy and tenacious ore spread throughout cavern
  • Must cross some poison to get ore, but some can be avoided
  • Cavern consists of 2 levels. 1st level is your standard dungeon crawl. 2nd level only has Agna.

Fighting Agna:

  • Agna only uses physical attacks but hits very hard
  • Agna spawns with 2 higher level fire entities
  • Agna isn’t weak to water, fire entities are
  • Use the defend and create opening strategy. Front row defend every round, back row to attack. Priest to heal/buff, mage to Mamigal, thief to precision strike/sneak attack
  • Eliminate fire entities first and then only have to worry about Agna’s physical attacks
  • Agna can deal 400+ damage if not defending. Front row defend every round or risk getting one shot


Below is a map of the dungeon, with the 10 ore locations marked

The Demon Swamp


You are presented with a choice between a weapon and an armor. Weapon is a 2H mace of fire type, armor unknown. Quality of the reward very likely depends on finding all Ore pieces, but due to the nature of the request, this is difficult to verify conclusively. At least, it is known that if you did not find all the pieces, Lulunarde will lament this fact in an ending cutscene.

For reference, below is the mace I got from it - YMMV. After enhancing to +5, the weapon has base Attack Power 92x1, other stats unchanged.

