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Investigate the Island of Ghosts

Request Requirements

  • Debra must be on the party
  • Certain Trust Level must be achieved with Debra

Once the requirements are met, the request will be available at the Adventurer's Guild at the Royal Capital Lukmalia.


This request can only be finished once. If you missed something, you won't be able to go back for it. So don't rush it!

Request Mission

Request is a dive into Debra's backstory, consisting of a single explorable map.

Encounter rate is below average, and there are fixed encounter locations of groups of undead.

The boss in the upper rightmost room is a large pack of undead.


  • All enemies are undead
  • There are no items to find
  • There is a single collection spot for some teal junk after the "boss" encounter


The Island of Ghosts


Debra gets a new skin and voice. There are no item rewards outside of the teal junk.
