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Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Type: Dark
Personality: Evil
Starting Class: Ninja
Class Change: Currently None
Role: Damage, Support



Unique Skill (Inheritable)

Unleashes the blasting spell contained with a charm, launching an untyped spell attack on 1 enemy row that bypasses Magic Defense. Damage based on Attack Power. Damage is reduced if learned by someone other than Rinne.

Unique Skill (Not Inheritable)

Increases Surety for user and all adjacent evil allies.

Discipline Skill

Continuously increases each stat, Surety and Accuracy increased further.

Adventurer Reviews

TheAxolotl's Analysis

Rinne is our first legendary ninja, and she's an incredible way to introduce the class. In addition to the ninja skill kit, which is already strong, Rinne has a few really big standouts.

Enlightenment of the Brink of Death is the first true support we get for an Evil MC (and Evil characters in general). While the magnitude is tricky to determine, increasing Surety is always good. The buff will always be active for her, and "adjacent" in this game means on either side, as well as in front or behind. This gives her a lot of versatility in terms of position placement. Right now, the prime targets for her buff are an Evil MC, Gerulf, and Milana. This actually enables us to run aa full Evil party that could consist of Evil MC, Rinne, and Gerulf in the front row, and Milana, Alice, and Adam in the back row. This party would have both rows buffed by Alice, Milana providing an additional damage buff to the Evil MC, and Rinne providing a Surety buff to Evil MC, herself, and Gerulf in the front. One important thing to note is that she will always receive the Surety buff from this skill - it won't disappear if she's surrounded by Neutral or Good adventurers.

Moment of Finality is a very unique ability. It is a skill that deals untyped spell damage on an entire enemy row, which initially is pretty solid, but is made stronger by the fact that it bypasses the enemy Magic Defense AND is based on Attack Power instead of Magic Power. Based on the skill details, the Magic Defense bypass rate is increased based on skill level, so while this needs testing, it likely behaves in the same way that Precision Strike and Armor Pierce do, but targeting Magic Defense instead of Defense. This gives a fantastic way for Rinne to get around high defense enemies, and it also gives us one of our first row attacks based on Attack Power. Furthermore, since it's based on SP, inheriting Debra to Rinne will allow for a boost to longevity through restoring SP on kill. This skill is likely not as valuable when inherited due to the damage loss, however it is a solid target for duplicate usage on Rinne herself.

Rinne's Inheritor of the Secret Arts Discipline skill is also pretty solid in that it boosts her Surety, which is always welcome.

In addition to the all-Evil party I mentioned above, Rinne can fit in a variety of teams, and she can function well in either the front row with Daggers or in the back row with Throwing Ninja Tools. She can also use Ninja Katanas effectively, as of release, we don't know if the Katanas are treated as Daggers for the Ninja Dual Wield skill or not. She can provide damage, support, and all around general utility with the other great Ninja active and passive skills.

  • Pull if:
    • You like Rinne as an adventurer
    • You want to provide some Evil support to your MC or other Evil adventurers
    • You want a very well-rounded adventurer that can deal Attack Power-based damage that bypasses Magic Defense against a whole row, and provide some incredible support
  • Do not pull if:
    • You do not like Rinne as an adventurer
    • You want to save for future adventurers

While Rinne herself may not be a meta-defining adventurer, the Ninja class initially seems extremely strong and Rinne provides enough uniqueness with her kit to make me highly recommend her as a pull target for those that have been saving their gems for a while.

Duplicate Usage

  • Inherit on her own skill will increase the damage and Magic Defense bypass of her Moment of Finality skill. Note that as with all increased skill levels, the SP cost will increase, so inheriting a few Debra's to her can help offset this.
  • Inherit on the MC. Even with the damage reduction, this skill is very viable on the MC due to the uniqueness of its mechanic.
  • Increasing her Discipline to increase her Surety.