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Life Story

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Gaston was born near the capital as the middle son of a local lord, and grew up always being compared to his older and younger brothers.

His older brother was gifted in all manner of things, while the younger one was quick-witted and good with people. All Gaston had was his ego, fueling a desire to never be outdone. He despised hard work, had little patience, and sought after results without putting in effort.

In his academic life, Gaston eschewed the basics, choosing instead to shallowly repeat maxims and the words of great men. This attitude carried over to his swordsmanship, in which he favored flashy techniques over fundamentals, to the point his master told him never to return.

No matter the airs he put on, his family would still call him a failure.

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Gaston felt that he wasn't properly appreciated because he was the second son.

So, he would often insist, "I'm neither the heir, nor the baby, so none of you appreciate me, and none of you give me the credit I deserve!" much to the annoyance of the adults.

His grandfather was the only one who would tolerate his ways. Finding Gaston's ego endearing, he encouraged Gaston, telling him that such great spirit would make him somebody.

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One day, Gaston heard that adventurers had been called to deal with goblins that had appeared in a village on his family's lands.

Arranging a short holiday, he traveled to the village and watched the adventurers hunt down goblins from the top of a hill.

The adventurers herded the goblins like sheep and surrounded them. Just then, Gaston noticed several goblins emerge from bushes behind the adventurers.

Quickly turning to the adventurers, he yelled "Watch out! Behind you!"

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Gaston's warning was just in time and the adventurers were able to defeat all of the goblins unscathed, earning Gaston their praise.

This was the first time he hadn't been compared to his brothers, and their words greatly moved him.

"I'll get the respect I deserve once I become and adventurer!" Immediately upon returning home, he told his family of his plans to become an adventurer. His grandfather was the only one to disapprove, citing the dangers, but the rest of the family laughed, saying that someone who was all talk would never get by.

His face beet red, Gaston ran out of the house. "I'm not coming back until I'm famous! You'll all see!" he raged as he headed for the guild.